Webinar: Additively Manufactured Rocket Engine

六月 10, 2021 | Gina Naujokat

Microlaunchers are an alternative to conventional launch vehicles. They are designed to launch small satellites into space. Fraunhofer IWS and the TU in Dresden developed an additively manufactured rocket engine.

The industrial computed tomography (CT) is the most efficient technology for non-destructive testing (NDT) when additive manufactured (3D printed) structures are to be examined. The dataset obtained from a CT scan allows researchers to examine additive parts without deterioration and to draw conclusions on the printing process, specific parameters and material properties.

In the webinar you can learn more about how CT supports the evolvement of new designs and functionalities that are only available with additive manufacturing.

Microlaunchers are an alternative to conventional launch vehicles. Able to carry payloads of up to 350 kilograms, these midsized transport systems are designed to launch small satellites into space. Researchers at the Fraunhofer IWS and the TU in Dresden developed an additively manufactured rocket engine with an aerospike nozzle for microlaunchers. The scaled metal prototype is expected to consume 30 percent less fuel than conventional engines on the way to orbit.

Dr. Elena Lopez from Fraunhofer IWS explains in this webinar the advantages of laser powder bed fusion in building this part that is difficult to produce with conventional casting or milling technology. Particularly the labyrinth of inner cooling ducts was a challenge that the researchers at Fraunhofer IWS successfully solved using post-processing and NDT.

At the end of the session Dr. Lopez answers questions of the interested audience.

You can download the complete article, published in Aerospace Testing International here.



九月 29, 2023 | Gina Naujokat

使用 Dragonfly CT 三维体数据分析软件评估铸件孔隙率有三种简单且快速的方法,每种方法均可使用宏自动完成。具体方法和分析时间可通过下载附带应用说明文件获取了解。

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Looking back millions of years into the earth's history with computed tomography

七月 27, 2023 | Gina Naujokat

A sedimentary slab from the Holstein Rock was to be examined for its fossil content using computed tomography. Latest CT technology provided results no one had expected.

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Unveiling the Mysteries of Life's Origins: Comet Yxlon and our Partnership with the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin

六月 06, 2023 | Isabella Drolz

Have you ever pondered the wondrous journey of life, from conception to birth? At Comet Yxlon, we are proud to support the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin in their quest to answer this profound question through the innovative application of CT technology.

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