A Look into The Hidden

一月 28, 2021 | Gina Naujokat

Electromobility brings with it new challenges. New components require new test methods to ensure functionality and safety. In a joint project, the Fraunhofer IFAM and Yxlon have succeeded for the first time looking into the inside of cast rotors.

Electromobility confronts the automotive industry with many new challenges. New components sometimes require new test methods to ensure functionality and safety. Research and development are running at full blast and partnerships find solutions that clearly push the current boundaries of what is possible. In a joint project, the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials and Yxlon International have succeeded for the first time in taking a look into the inside of cast rotors.

To read the full success story, download the free pdf here
or visit the inspect-online website.



九月 29, 2023 | Gina Naujokat

使用 Dragonfly CT 三维体数据分析软件评估铸件孔隙率有三种简单且快速的方法,每种方法均可使用宏自动完成。具体方法和分析时间可通过下载附带应用说明文件获取了解。

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Looking back millions of years into the earth's history with computed tomography

七月 27, 2023 | Gina Naujokat

A sedimentary slab from the Holstein Rock was to be examined for its fossil content using computed tomography. Latest CT technology provided results no one had expected.

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Unveiling the Mysteries of Life's Origins: Comet Yxlon and our Partnership with the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin

六月 06, 2023 | Isabella Drolz

Have you ever pondered the wondrous journey of life, from conception to birth? At Comet Yxlon, we are proud to support the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin in their quest to answer this profound question through the innovative application of CT technology.

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