Seamless data exchange and automation are two of the main drivers for higher productivity. The Comet Yxlon Software Suite features a range of packages that help boost your efficiency.
Increase your productivity through orchestrated workflows
Streamlined, seamless communication between systems, software and people is critical for the efficiency and productivity of the overall inspection process. The Comet Yxlon Software Suite supplies you with a range of powerful connectivity packages, including automation features for recurring inspection tasks, hassle-free image data transfer between systems and facilities, or automated X-ray dose tracking.
Our Efficiency software packages
Additional features for more efficiency
In addition to the comprehensive, preset Efficiency packages, Comet Yxlon offers a variety of powerful features for specific industry or application needs.
Batch Manager package: Inspect parts faster with
multi-part holders
Loading multiple parts at the same time by using a multi-part holder can significantly increase your throughput. The Batch Manager package allows you to automatically inspect parts in a grid by applying the same inspection sequence in a grid of a multi-part holder. Deviations of the sample positioning are corrected without user interaction. The Batch Manager package supports 2D and 3D (CL) inspection modes.
Batch Manager is available on the following systems, click on the links below to find out more:
FF product line: |
UX product line: |
CC product line: |
CA product line: |
Dose Manager package: Manage radiation exposure to protect sensitive parts
The Dose Manager package continuously monitors and tracks the X-ray dose that the sample is subjected to, taking into account the tube power and the distance to the sample. To avoid damage to sensitive components such as flash and DRAM memories, it switches off the X-ray automatically once the dosage limit is reached. The package includes a Dose Reduction Kit with a collimator and 4 filters, shielding parts outside the region of interest from radiation.
Dose Manager is available on the following systems, click on the links below to find out more:
CA product line: |
Dose Monitoring package: Preventing damage to X-ray sensitive electronics.
The Dose Monitoring package automatically tracks the X-ray dose, informing operators when a critical threshold is reached and aborting the scan to ensure non-destructive inspection of sensitive parts. The Dose Reduction Kit, with a collimator and four filters, minimizes the radiation path and reduces intensity, further safeguarded by a special detector dose mode.
Dose Monitoring is available on the following systems, click on the links below to find out more:
CC product line: |
Automatic Data Transfer: Save time and effort during data exchange
Automatic Data Transfer helps you access X-ray data from your IT infrastructure fully automatically and without compromising security. The generated data is automatically transferred to a fileserver outside of the X-ray system, which can be configured according to the local IT policy.
Production line integration with ProLoop
ProLoop is Comet Yxlon’s smart factory solution for the optimization of production processes. It enables direct communication with the inline AOI / AXI inspection systems and thus helps achieve maximum yield performance.
ProLoop is available on the following systems, click on the links below to find out more:
CC product line: |